Fairy Tales" (1918)
Illustrated by Arthur Rackham
"English Fairy Tales"
was a collection of traditional tales, as retold by Flora Annie Steel.
Steel was an accomplished author by the time she turned her
attention to compiling a retelling of traditional English fairy tales, having
gained success through her books involving Indian history,
myths and legends.
From the age of 20, she lived for more than two decades in
India before returning to Scotland in 1889.
The tales within ''English Fairy Tales'' (1918)
included: 'St George of Merrie England'; 'The Story of the Three Bears'; 'Tom-Tit-Tot'; 'The Golden
Snuff-box'; 'Tattercoats';
'The Three Feathers'; 'Lazy Jack'; 'Jack the Giant-killer'; 'The Three Sillies'; 'The Golden Ball'; 'The Two Sisters'; 'The
Worm'; 'Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse'; 'Jack and the Beanstalk'; 'The Black Bull
of Norroway'; 'Catskin'; 'The Three Little Pigs'; 'Nix Naught
Nothing'; 'Mr and Mrs Vinegar'; 'The True History of Sir Thomas Thumb'; 'Henny-Penny'; 'The Three Heads of the Well'; 'Mr Fox'; 'Dick Whittington
and his Cat'; 'The Old Woman and her Pig'; 'The Wee Bannock'; 'How Jack went out to seek his Fortune'; 'The Bogey-Beast'; 'Little Red
Riding-hood'; 'Childe Rowland'; 'The Wise Men of Gotham'; 'Caporushes'; 'The
Babes in the Wood'; 'The Red Ettin'; 'The Fish and the Ring'; 'Lawkamercyme';
'Master of All Masters'; 'Molly Whuppie and the Double-faced Giant'; 'The Ass, The Table and the Stick'; 'The Well of the
End' and 'The Rose Tree'.
The tales include a number that are well-known by their
titles and many more that will be recognised as variants of familiar stories for
from the themes explored therein.
As illustrated by Arthur Rackham, the collection shows
the artist's interpretation of tales with which he is intimately familiar.
First Edition of "English Fairy Tales" with Rackham's images includes 16 colour
plates and more than 40 monotone illustrations.
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On the left, we show a rare First Edition
example of "English Fairy Tales" that retains the original
gold-stamped red cloth cover - the binding
used by Macmillan and Company (London).
To the right, we show the decorated Title Page
designed by Arthur Rackham.
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