The Travelling Companions (1915)

Illustrated by Florence Anderson



Published in 1915 by Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd. (London), The Travelling Companions (the work of Lady Margaret Sackville) appears to have been the second major commission for Florence Anderson following The Dream-Pedlar (1914).


Sackville's work was published without illustrations in 1906 and the 1915 reprint with

Anderson's images was the 1st Edition to carry illustrations.


Examples of the illustrated 1st Edition of The Travelling Companions - with the suite of images contributed by Anderson - are rare and highly regarded by collectors and enthusiasts alike.


Above, we show the

illustrated Front Cover for

The Travelling Companions




Our Greeting Cards and Reproduction Prints



For connoisseurs of Anderson's work, we have prepared sets of 12 Greeting Cards displaying each of her major colour images for The Travelling Companions and on the left, we show an example of how these Greeting Cards appear.







Code: FA TC CS(12)
Price: US$60.00


When presented on Greeting Cards, these images are prepared as tipped-in plates - in hommage to the hand-crafted

approach typical of prestige illustrated publications produced in the early decades of the 20th Century. Each card is

hand-finished and and the images are presented on Ivory card stock with an accompanying envelope. The rear of each

card carries information about Florence Anderson, this wonderful suite and the profiled illustration - we have left the

interior of the cards blank so that you may write your own personal message.


Should you wish to order a Reproduction Print of one or more of these images, we have provided some options below.

Each of these large format prints is also accompanied by information about Florence Anderson, this suite and the profiled



To purchase, simply click on the appropriate "Add to Cart" button and you will be taken through to our Shopping Cart

secured through PayPal. Multiple purchases will be consolidated by that feature and shipping and handling costs to any

destination in the world are accommodated by our flat-rate fee of US$20 for every US$200 worth of purchases.


Of course, should you wish to discuss some customised options, we welcome your contact on any matter through


In the meantime, enjoy perusing these wonderful images from Florence Anderson.



The major colour illustrations


The Travelling Companions

The whole Train transformed itself into

a gigantic shimmering Soapbubble

The Travelling Companions

So there they were in the Garden

The Travelling Companions

"Where are you, my Gaston?" she called

The Travelling Companions

Ingebrun's Goblin Godmother

Esmilda and the Swans

Esmilda and the Swans

The Enchanted Orchard

The Mocking Winds which blow from

land to land, taunted her, beating in her

eyes with their Great Wings

The Echanted Orchard

She entered the Fog, which hung round

her like a Garment

The Fairy learns the meaning of Tears

You would think you saw a Rainbow

over the place

The Fairy learns the meaning of Tears

The Prince did not speak or tire

The Boy With the Purple Nose

Instantly the Horses turned to Brooms

and rose in mid-air

The Three Adventurers

On Sailed West and that was the

King's Son

The Princess who lived in a Tower

Waiting for something to happen