"The Drawings of Kay Nielsen" (1913)

Designs by Kay Nielsen



In 1913, The International Studio, published an article by Marion Hepworth Dixon - "The Drawing of Kay

Nielsen" - accompanied by a number of colour and monotone images, including a number of illustrations

from a suite of images entitled "The Book of Death". Within the article, the author undertakes a survey of

Nielsen's career to date, in addition to providing a critique of his artistic approach and technique. A portion

of the article is reproduced below.

There is a high sense of drama in his outlook. Can anyone studying the sorrow of

Pierrot in "The Book of Death" series fail to be struck by the drawing called Solitude?

Technically, it is all a pen-and-ink should be. The blacks are superb, while with rare

felicity the sketch conveys its tragic meaning with a curious economy of line.


First seen at the Dowdeswell Galleries in New Bond Street in July 1912 when

Mr Kay Nielsen's initial one-man show was inaugurated, the illustrations to

"The Book of Death" were made one of the principal features of the exhibition.

They were certainly not the least arresting and poignant of the drawings. The theme,

no doubt, as well as the sincerity of the artist's mood, largely accounted for their



Pierrot loves a young an lovely maiden, as every Pierrot should, but a sharp

foreboding - some imminent presage of disaster - is ever present to the lovers.

In addition to the illustrations appearing accompanying that article within The International Studio, a further

example of Nielsen's monotone work related to the story of Pierrot appeared in the 1913 Christmas Edition

of The Illustrated London News, "Pierrot Disconsolate".



Our Greeting Cards and Reproduction Images


For connoisseurs of Nielsen's work, we have prepared sets of 4 Greeting Cards displaying images from this selection of his designs and on the left, we show an example of how these Greeting Cards appear.







Code: KN DKN CS(4)
Price: US$20.00


When presented on Greeting Cards, these images are prepared as tipped-on plates - in hommage to the hand-crafted

approach typical of prestige illustrated publications produced in the early decades of the 20th Century. Each card is

hand-finished and and the images are presented on White card stock with an accompanying envelope. The rear of

each card carries information about Kay Nielsen, this wonderful suite and the profiled illustration - we have left the interior of the cards blank so that you may write your own personal message.


Our large format reproduction prints are produced with a process utilising archival quality materials to ensure may

years of enjoyment. In addition, each these large format print is also accompanied by information about Kay Nielsen,

this suite and the profiled illustration.


Should you wish to purchase an individual card or reproduction prints from this selection, simply "click" on the images

below and you will be taken through to a new page with further details on the individual images.


To purchase, simply click on the appropriate "Add to Cart" button and you will be taken through to our Shopping Cart

secured through PayPal. Multiple purchases will be consolidated by that feature and shipping and handling costs to any

destination in the world are accommodated by our flat-rate fee of US$20 for every US$200 worth of purchases.


Of course, should you wish to discuss some customised options, we welcome your contact on any matter through



In the meantime, enjoy perusing these wonderful images from Kay Nielsen.



The monotone illustrations


The Chasm


Shadows of the Night

Pierrot Disconsolate